Body Fat Analyzer: Why You Should Know Your Body Composition

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Body composition analysis is a method that measures and breaks down your body into core components, which are the following: Fat, protein, minerals, and even body water! A body fat analyzer describes our weight much more accurately than just a regular scale, providing a better glimpse into our overall health compared to traditional methods, or just our weight alone.

That’s why you probably see body composition analyzers, also called body fat analyzers, being used by experts like NUMEO Medical recommending you to undergo a body composition analysis. But what exactly is body composition and what’s so important about it? Read on as I break down the different components to help you out, with these three main components to track your progress in terms of body composition:

Body Fat Percentage

Percent Body Fat is an accurate indicator of one's health compared to body weight or BMI. This is because this measurement will tell you how much fat would make up for your total body weight. If you want a healthier body fat level, aim for around 10-20% of body weight for males and between 18-28% of bodyweight or females


Muscle Mass Percentage

Skeletal muscle mass is crucial for your mobility, posture, and stronger immunity for our long-term health. The body composition analysis will show you how much Skeletal Muscle Mass you have in every body segment. When you know your Muscle Mass, you’ll be able to know how to build muscle and what you should correct for a healthier muscle mass balance.


Body Water Percentage

The Total Body Water measurements are divided into two:

·         Extracellular Water is water located outside cells

·         Intracellular Water is water located in cells


It’s important to maintain a healthy balance of your body water for optimum health. When using a body composition analysis, you’re able to know what changes to be made and address them for better balance.


Why Is Body Composition Analysis Important?

Undergoing a body composition analysis is crucial so you will know exactly what to do, whether you need to lose, gain, or maintain not only weight but fat or muscle. You get to focus more on fat loss rather than just weight loss, so you create a good diet and exercise routine based on your individual health and fitness goals.


There are different ways you can measure your body composition, which are:


·         Skinfold calipers, also known as skinfold or pinch test, involves pinching the body’s subcutaneous fat layer using fingers and measuring its thickness with a caliper

·         Hydrostatic weighing is underwater weighing, calculating your total body fat by your body’s density

·         Air Displacement Plethysmography is a method measuring the human body’s volume by measuring the body’s volume of air based on the changes in pressure of a chamber. This is very accurate and considered as the gold standard, similar to underwater weighing.

Inbody Scan

At NUMEO Medical we have an Inbody scale, which is one of the most advanced body composition analyzers on the market. This revolutionary device will give you an extremely detailed results sheet that breaks down a variety of information you should know about your body composition.

Wrapping It Up

With an accurate body composition analysis, you’ll be able to set realistic goals catered to your overall health. So make sure that you look into proper methods of body composition analyses so you can reach your goal weight now! Good luck.


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